REACHING OUT ACROSS THE AISLE: Sen. Russ Huxtable & Sen. Brian Pettyjohn

REACHING OUT ACROSS THE AISLE: Sen. Russ Huxtable & Sen. Brian Pettyjohn On Thursday, April 3 at 5 pm, Senator Russ Huxtable and Senator Brian Pettyjohn will discuss the importance of reaching out across the aisle in politics and daily life. These seasoned lawmakers-- Pettyjohn representing Georgetown’s 19th District and Huxtable serving Rehoboth’s 6th District—personify how different political ideologies can unite to serve Delaware’s communities through transparent, effective governance. Join Rehoboth Beach Museum for a look at how bipartisan cooperation shapes Sussex County’s future.

Event Information

Event Date 04-03-2025 5:00 pm
Event End Date 04-03-2025 6:30 pm
Individual Price $15.00