Senior Center Mural of North Rehoboth Avenue, Painted by the VIA

Senior Center Mural of North Rehoboth Avenue, Painted by the VIA Located in the Assembly room at Cape Henlopen Senior Center is a remarkably accurate rendering of the north side of Rehoboth Avenue as it appeared over 100 years ago. The mural was painted under the leadership of VIA member Fay Kempton, who has since moved to West Virginia. Paul Lovett, historian for the Rehoboth Beach Museum, will be the presenter at the event and will use photographs from the early 1900s to confirm the accuracy of the rendering. Fay will be returning to Rehoboth for the lecture on April 25 and will answer questions about what motivated the project and how she worked with Rehoboth historian Ed Wright to assure the mural's accuracy. Sr. Ctr. Mural by Fay Kempton The Senior Center is slated to be moved to a new location and may be demolished. This event is in effort to raise funds and establish a reserve for the preservation of the mural at hand.

Event Information

Event Date 04-25-2025 1:30 pm
Event End Date 04-25-2025 2:30 pm
Individual Price $20.00