Diorama Discussion

Rehoboth Avenue Railroad Era diorama with Paul Lovett.

Diorama Talks with Paul Lovett.  Visit the Rehoboth Avenue Railroad Era diorama with Paul Lovett.  The dust covers are removed allowing visitors to peer closely at the display and the features are electrified. The train moves to the station; the merry-go-round rotates; the smoke stack smokes; Scott’s Chapel’s bell tolls; seagulls squawk; farm animals are heard. See the town as it might have looked at night. 

Each presentation is different depending on the interests of the attendees.

Event Date 08-16-2024 10:30 am
Individual Price $5.00

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Rehoboth Avenue Railroad Era Diorama with Paul Lovett

Rehoboth Avenue Railroad Era diorama with Paul Lovett.

Event Date 08-19-2024 2:00 pm
Individual Price $5.00

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Rehoboth Avenue Railroad Era diorama with Paul Lovett.

Diorama Talks with Paul Lovett.  Visit the Rehoboth Avenue Railroad Era diorama with Paul Lovett.  The dust covers are removed allowing visitors to peer closely at the display and the features are electrified. The train moves to the station; the merry-go-round rotates; the smoke stack smokes; Scott’s Chapel’s bell tolls; seagulls squawk; farm animals are heard. See the town as it might have looked at night. 

Each presentation is different depending on the interests of the attendees.

Event Date 08-30-2024 10:30 am
Individual Price $5.00

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Paul Lovett Golden Age of Rehoboth Beach Diorama Talk

Paul Lovett will give an in-person talk about the history represented on his handcrafted “Golden Age of Rehoboth Beach” diorama, recently gifted to the Rehoboth Beach Museum.

Event Date 11-18-2024 10:30 am
Event End Date 11-18-2024 12:00 pm
Individual Price $10

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Spring 2025 Diorama Talk Series with Historian Paul Lovett Beginning Monday, January 27 at 10 am with “Railroad Era Buildings that Still Exist in Rehoboth” the Rehoboth Beach Museum starts its spring 2025 Golden Age of Rehoboth Beach Diorama Talk series with historian Paul Lovett, who recently gifted his handcrafted townscape to the Rehoboth Beach Museum. Mr. Lovett will present a total of four talks this spring with the “History of Rehoboth’s Train Terminal” on Monday, February 10 at 10 am; the “Lorenzo Dow Martin Farmhouse” on Monday, March 5 at 10 am; and the “Chronology of Rehoboth’s Railroad Tracks” on Monday, March 24 at 10 am.
Event Date 01-27-2025 10:00 am
Event End Date 01-27-2025 11:30 am
Individual Price $10.00

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